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When I heard that there was to be a TV Series starting up in Vancouver called "BATES MOTEL, I had to have that job. 5 seasons later I am proud to have been part of this piece of television history. It was a show that could have gone either way. The audience embraced the idea and it flew.

The props on this show were fun. Yes there were the stock guns, badges, blood and rubber knives, but I got to delve into the world of taxidermy. Something I had little to do with before. We got to create Mother's iconic "Turkey Pot Pie" (Norman's favourite), replicate the Great Horned Owl from "Psycho" and the very best - "JUNO" - Norman's taxidermy dog.

Much love and and effort went into this show, it was truly a creative collective, something not all too common on productions. I was responsible for numerous script changes throughout the seasons simply because the Producers were open to hearing all ideas.

Below is the latest trailer for Season V. It captures a lot of my teams work.

This site is property of Big Bucks Productions Ltd.

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